Can you share a patch file that doesn’t work in v2.0?
There are some issues with Airwindows still, so if a patch has those modules you might try ones that don’t.
Patches don’t specify module versions, they just specify module brands and names. So whatever version of the plugin is loaded, that’s the one the patch will try to play.
In general, you definitely should be prepared to roll back to a previous version if you install a dev version. Crashing, bugs, general weirdness are to be expected!
It’s easy to roll back, just install the official release firmware like normal (from the Downloads page). You should be able to have v1.3 and v2.0 plugins in the same folder and the firmware should figure out which one to load.
But, if you can send a patch file that doesn’t work, I can try to figure it out. There are definitely bugs right now, but we will be able to run older patches in the newer firmware once we squash those bugs.
OK, I fixed some issues with v2.0 plugins.
Here are the updated versions:
Also I fixed the default value of the Airwindows knobs, so now if you add an Airwindows module on the MetaModule the knobs are set to useful places instead of all being turned down:
And here are five Sapphire modules, running on v2.0 (Hiss, Frolic, Glee, Gravy, and Galaxy):
i just gave BasicDrumBox2.yml a try with dev-3 firmware and it exhibited the same issue as before (i didn’t actually get a chance to try with dev-2)… or perhaps im just doing some wrong
OK, strange – it just did it for me.
What I see is that if I have this patch as the startup patch (automatically plays when I turn it on) then it clicks and has no audio out. But if I play a different patch , then go back to this one, it plays fine. Is that the same for you?
No, firmware updates need to be done from a card or USB drive.
Plugins can in theory be transferred over wifi, I won’t recommend doing so. It’s only more convenient to do so if the mmplugin file is small (like, under 256kB), otherwise it’s faster to copy the normal way. Large files are slow to transfer and occasionally will timeout if the wifi signal is not perfect. So in practice it’s easier to use a card or USB drive to transfer plugins too.
Okay. Ableton Move does this seamlessly over Wi-Fi. If the expander only served one purpose which is to add convenience, then the option could be made available to those who want it. I agree and understand your priorities though.
The option is available (for updating mmplugin files), I just don’t want to officially say it’s possible to do because I don’t want people to be disappointed that it’s not very reliable (depending on wifi signal and network activity, file size, etc).
Hi. Thanks for your answer (and sorry for the email in parralel :))
I tried to install v2.0.0-dev4. The error is linked with something relative to wifi. The error just stay less than a second, so can’t be able to read it totally.
I tried after with the last official release, and exactly the same error.
Despite these errors, the module retai es the funrionnal firmware. The module freezed when i switxhed off my rack and restarted it.