Version 2.0.0-dev-6 is ready. Link in first post updated
New Features:
- Catchup modes. More about this below
- Plugins can access files (this gives support for some sampler modules). Also will be in the next v1.x release.
- Wi-Fi support updated (same as v1.4.6)
Minor stuff
All of these will be in the next v1.x release:
- Wi-Fi status in the info page always shows up
- Add Map popup defaults to OK, not cancel
- Fixed MIDI Gate on Note sometimes sticking high
- Fixed pot values sometimes going slightly below 0
About Catchup Modes
In the system settings Prefs page you can choose one of three “catchup” modes for handling the situation where the virtual knob positions don’t match the physical knob positions:
- Track on Motion: the virtual knob will jump to the position of the physical knob when the physical knob is moved. Then it will track with the physical knob.
- Track on Equal: the virtual knob knob will keep its value until the physical knob is moved to that value. Then it will track with the physical knob.
- Linear Fade: the virtual knob will always respond to the physical knob’s motion, but it will do so in a way that scales the response based on the position of the virtual and physical knobs at the moment the patch (or knobset) is loaded. Turning the physical knob to 0% or 100% will end the linear fade mode and track normally.
System Settings > Prefs lets you pick which mode is currently active (globally). Future firmwares could make this a per-patch or even a per-mapping option, though I’m not sure this would be a good idea. Before you state an opinion, please play with the current way we have it for a few days.
Knobset view displays the current physical position (after being scaled by the mapping min/max) as a line on the central circle that rotates. When the mapping is in catchup mode, the circle indicator on the outer arc is grey. When it’s in tracking mode, it’s white.
Catchup modes are complex when you consider that physical knobs can have multiple maps, each of which can be in a state of “catchup” or “tracking”. Also, modules are allowed to change their own param values, so a mapping could spontaneously move to “catchup” mode without the user changing knobsets or patches. Likewise, it’s possible to control the same knob from multiple knobsets. To make it more complex, mappings can be limited to particular min/max ranges, and params can be marked as “integral” aka “snapEnabled”, meaning the value can only be certain fixed values. So, this means there are some puzzling cases where it’s not clear what do to: for instance how to handle linear fade mode with a knob mapped to a button that can only have values of 0 or 1. I think we chose the most intuitive response to such situations but there are diabolical patches that can be made in which a particular catchup mode will make the patch inoperable.
TODO for this feature:
- Would be nice to be able to see the current mode on the KnobSet page (maybe in how the knob arc or knob hash mark is drawn?)
- Knob Map Edit page still displays the old format for the knob arc.