Current Wavetable Options? :)

Hi, I don’t have my Metamodule yet, it’s on the way :slight_smile:

I’ve been reading through the included/available modules and whilst it seems there are a lot of FM and complex VCO options (great!), the only wavetables I could spot are within the clones of Braids & Plaits. Is that it for the moment? I noticed for example, that VCV’s own WTVCO isn’t listed. Maybe there’s others I missed :slight_smile:

I read that Audible’s Tides lets you use the alternate Sheep firmware. Though I’m not sure how different that is than Plaits’s wavetable mode.

Very cool if true :slight_smile: it appears sheep has a dedicated 1-bit output in addition to the regular one, crispy!!!

A wavetable vco should be a dream for me :slight_smile: but, actual possibilities are already a living deeam :slight_smile:
