would be quicker to browse modules when adding by type eg, osc, filter, lfo, adsr, vca, etc.
I’d also appreciate that option, it makes more sense to browse by type than developer.
thirded. Tags, filtering, or searching all plugin modules by type would be great when building patches on MM.
+1 and also might be useful to be able to sort by “lowest cpu use first”
+1 this will get even more necessary the more developers release modules. I already have no idea how many oscillators I have to choose from, and no easy way of figuring it out.
Just got my MM, sought out this request – much needed.
Absolutely. This feature would help immensely.
after using the MM for a while I find I keep using the same (ie lowest cpu) modules for my patches, so maybe a favourites would be good
This is definitely a good idea +1
Yes, still hoping this happens.
I’m still planning to do it!