Another Ensemble Oscillator model question (Shift function)

So as I’m playing around with the Ensemble Oscillator model I got to the section in the HW manual about shift functions, are they currently possible in the VCV/MetaModule model? My guess is no, since it looks like you need to hold down the button while turning the appropriate knob, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to do that.

On the MetaModule, you can access these functions of the Ensemble Osc at the bottom of the parameter list when viewing the module. From within VCV, you can right-click the module to see the “Alt Parameters” and edit each one.

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Thanks! I didn’t think to check there in Meta (although I probably should have). Really enjoying the journey.

ok, but one thing I’m not getting is how to create custom scales. I own the hardware, and you need to hold the Learn button whilst turning the root knob to dial in a new scale. I haven’t figured out how to do this in the VCV version.

I was really hoping it could accept tuning files, but I can’t even figure out how to tune the oscillators manually.